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Audio Technica AT-VM95ML VM95 Series Microlinear Stereo Cartridge


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Description & Details


  • Dual moving magnet cartridge
  • Aluminium cantilever
  • 3.5mV output voltage
  • Upgradable stylus to any from the VM95 range
  • Compatible body with all VM95 Series stylus assemblies

Audio Technica AT-VM95ML VM95 Series Microlinear Stereo Cartridge Description

The AT-VM95ML, features a Nude Microlinear diamond, not only the Microlinear stylus will permit to double the duration of your stylus. The performance of a line contact stylus will minimize the “inner groove distortion” as well as providing extended frequency response and maximize resolution in the medium and high frequencies of the audio program material.

Instead of using a single, large magnet, the two magnets are arranged in the shape of a "V". The two magnets are positioned precisely to match the positions of the left and right channels in the stereo groove walls. Consequently, the VM95 design ensures outstanding channel separation, extended frequency response and superb tracking.

The VM95 Series dual moving magnet cartridges can be used almost forever by replacing the interchangeable stylus. It is no longer necessary to purchase a complete cartridge when your diamond is worn out, you can simply buy the matching replacement stylus, but also enjoy the experience of upgrading your cartridge with a different stylus.

The six models of VM95 Series cartridges all use the same electromagnetic engine-body, therefore each of the six replacement styli are perfectly compatible.

Audio Technica AT-VM95ML Moving Magnet Cartridge features

  • Aluminium cantilever
  • 3.5mV output voltage
  • Compatible body with all VM95 Series stylus assemblies
  • Upgradable stylus to any from the VM95 range


Codes 4961310145996 (EAN)
External product information

Disclaimer: The information below is provided by various external sources and should be used as a guide only.

Detailed product information

Technical details

Product colourBlack, Red
Device typeAudio turntable stylus cartridge
Brand compatibilityAudio-Technica

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Audio Technica AT-VM95ML VM95 Series Microlinear Stereo Cartridge

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