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Shark Vacuum Cleaners

What’s that rising from the depths? It’s the telltale profile of Shark vacuum cleaners! These dust consuming devices are absolutely deadly for the dirt in your home, and you can shop a full range from this category. Our sellers have got fully sized Shark vacuum cleaners with great extra features, plus cordless and handheld vacuums too!

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Looking to buy Shark Vacuum Cleaners?

The dust in your home has a new predator to fear: Shark vacuum cleaners! These cold blooded cleaning machines will ruthlessly suck up all the dirt in your home. Shark vacuum cleaners were first released into their native waters in Massachusetts, USA, before spreading across the world, leaving clean households in their wake. Read on to learn more about this swimmingly good brand!

Highly evolved cleaning

To stay on top as the apex predator of your household cleaning appliances, Shark vacuum cleaners needed to adapt to meet the needs of real homes. Shark’s engineers have been hard at work developing top products.

One development they’ve made is their ‘Flexology’ technology. Rather than being large vacuum cleaners with huge canister bodies, these machines use a hollow cylinder to connect the dust container and motor to the brush head. Not only does this design keep the vacuum cleaner small, it also means it can go in places other vacuum cleaners can’t. A joint in the middle of the stick allows you to bend these Shark vacuum cleaners under furniture!

The most frightening part of a real life shark is its mouth. Filled with razor sharp teeth, their jaws can chomp their way through the toughest prey. The dust mites in your home will soon learn to fear the many heads of Shark vacuum cleaners just as quickly! 

Shark make vacuum cleaners with heads that are great all-rounders, while other heads have specialised parts for tackling specific, ultra tough dirt. One example is the range of True Pet Shark vacuum cleaners. These machines contain two different brushrolls, with a combination of thick and thin fibers, that will lift up large debris and smaller particles. This kind of vacuum cleaner is ideal for cleaning up pet hair stuck to carpets.

Cordless and Handheld Shark vacuum cleaners

If you find that your dust-busting power is being held back by your vacuum cleaner’s cord, it’s time to invest in one of the cordless Shark vacuum cleaners available from this edit! These machines are powered entirely from internal batteries, so you don’t need to worry about where the nearest power outlet is before you start sucking.

You may also spot handheld Shark vacuum cleaners in this category as well. These small vacuum cleaners aren’t ideal for vacuuming large spaces, but they give you a convenient and easy way to vacuum sofas, armchairs and other furniture, and their ability to get into nooks, crannies and tight spaces is second to none.

Stick both of these Shark vacuum cleaner types on charge when you’re not using them and they’ll soon be ready to hunt through your carpets for dust again!

Customers love our best-selling Shark Vacuum Cleaners

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