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Gigabyte Motherboards

For quality gaming motherboards, you can’t go wrong with the offerings from Taiwnese tech company Gigabyte! In this Gigabyte motherboard edit, you’ll find a selection of fantastic Gigabyte Gaming, Aorus and Ultra Durable motherboards. If you’re building a new PC from scratch, this edit is a must-peruse!

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Looking to buy Gigabyte Motherboards?

Just as every brain needs a nervous system, every computer needs a motherboard. Connecting the CPU to the rest of the components, the motherboard is a vital component that you shouldn’t skimp on with a poor quality option. There’s one brand that’s sure to keep your PC connected: Gigabyte! This company produces top quality motherboards for gamers and people who prize durable PC components.

Why Gigabyte Motherboards?

What stands Gigabyte out from this crowded field? Their connection potential. Some of Gigabyte’s gamer-centred motherboards come equipped with Killer networking ethernet ports, which contain software that automatically identifies and accelerates web traffic related to games. Plus many boards come with both type-A and the superior Type-C USB ports as standard.

Gigabyte don’t stop at that: They outfit their boards with high-grade onboard components that provide you with a brilliant selection of options and features. These include onboard sound chips with USB DAC that eliminate the need for a separate sound card.

Despite being stuffed with ports and on-board components, Gigabyte motherboards don’t struggle to stay cool. The majority have multiple heatsink fins that draw heat away from your cookable components, and multiple spots for air cooling fans, or the option to thread a liquid cooling solution through your PC for maximum chill factor.

Many Gigabyte motherboards contain full diagnostic and testing tools, including power, reset and CMOS clear buttons, letting you play around with BIOS settings and troubleshoot problems without destroying your computer.

The three types of Gigabyte motherboards

In this category you’ll see three different types of Gigabyte motherboards: Gigabyte Gaming, Aorus, and Ultra Durable motherboards. So what’s the difference between the three, you ask? Let’s start with Gigabyte Gaming boards. 

As a primarily gamer-focused company, Gigabyte Gaming is the company’s default line-up. Packed with features - like shielded memory routing that protects your components from interference and support for the latest DDR4 RAM modules - these high power motherboards make an excellent choice for playing demanding and fast-paced video games.

If Gigabyte Gaming is the default, Aorus is the step above! The Aorus line of Gigabyte motherboards takes their existing boards and outfits them with a few extra features, like extra USB ports and improved heat sinks. And gamers looking for aesthetic components that look great behind a transparent PC case will be glad to hear that many Aorus motherboards include RGB lighting diodes for an extra burst of colour!

Last but not least, the Ultra Durable motherboards. This offshoot trades some of the raw power and components for a rock solid design that lasts. The Ultra Durable motherboards boast industry leading stainless steel metal shielding for their PCIe buses, meaning they can carry the heaviest graphics cards without bending or shearing. The other difference between Ultra Durable and standard Gigabyte motherboards is their solid state capacitors, rated to perform at maximum efficiency for extended periods.

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