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Most Popular in Biographical True Stories

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102 Minutes Description

At 8.46 am on September 11, 2001, 14,000 people were inside the Twin Towers in New York - reading emails, making calls, eating croissants...over the next 102 minutes each would become part of the most infamous and deadly terrorist attack in history, one truly witnessed only by the people who lived through it - until now. Of the millions of words written about that unforgettable day when Al Qaeda attacked the western world, most have been from outsiders. New York Times reporters Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn have taken the more revealing approach - using real-life testimonies to report solely from the perspective of those inside the towers. 102 Minutes is the epic account of ordinary men and women whose lives were changed forever in this kamikaze act of terrorism. This unique book about unique people, includes incredible stories of bravery, courage and overcoming unbelievable odds. Immortalised in this non-fiction masterpiece are the construction manager and his colleagues who pried open the doors and saved dozens of people in the north tower; the police officer who was a few blocks away, filing his retirement papers, but grabbed his badge and sprinted to the buildings; the window washer stuck in a lift fifty floors up who used a squeegee to escape; and the secretaries who led an elderly man down eighty-nine flights of stairs. Chance encounters, moments of grace, a shout across an office shaped these minutes, marking the border between fear and solace, staking the boundary between life and death. Crossing a bridge of voices to go inside the infernos, seeing cataclysm and herosim one person at a time, Dwyer and Flynn tell the affecting, authoritative saga of the men and women - the 12,000 who escaped and the 2,749 who perished at Ground Zero on September 11th 2001 - as they made 102 minutes count as never before.


Codes 0099492563 (ISBN-10)
9780099492566 (ISBN)

Detailed Product Information

Release Date01/09/2005
Book TypePaperback
AuthorJim Dwyer
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Disclaimer: The information below is provided by various external sources and should be used as a guide only.

Detailed Product Information

Weight & dimensions

Weight268 g
Height198 mm
Width129 mm
Depth22 mm


Language versionEnglish
Release date (DD/MM/YYYY)01/09/2011
Number of pages352 pages
Written byJim Dwyer
Suggested genderAny gender
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)9780099492566

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N. Bratley
Posted 12/06/2020
102 minutes book
I was really happy with how fast the order came & very easy to order. I haven’t started reading yet but will update when I have.
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N. Bratley
Posted 12/06/2020

102 minutes book

I was really happy with how fast the order came & very easy to order. I haven’t started reading yet but will update when I have.
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